February 8, 2025

Almost everybody knows about the dangerous effects of having your eyes unprotected in certain bright light situations. This normally refers to the harmful effects of UV rays on the eyes, as well as the danger of having your vision obstructed when doing potentially dangerous tasks such as driving or skiing. Olympic Eyewear, a bulk designer sunglasses wholesaler, say that there is still plenty of ignorance surrounding sunglasses, when they are needed, and how to use them.

Sunglasses work by protecting the eyes from bright light. They can be used to avoid the dangers mentioned above, or to avoid eye strain. Eye strain can be an insidious menace, damaging your eyes over time and reducing their ability to properly process incoming light. The poet John Milton worked long nights writing under the dim candlelight of the 17th century – he went blind.

There is no need to worry about going blind for such a reason today, but this does show how your pupils need to be able to contract and dilate properly inreaction to different intensities of light. This means that extensive periods in darkness or extensive periods in bright light are both bad for your eyes. Sunglasses are specifically designed to help with this, as well as assisting in potentially dangerous activities where proper vision is essential.

Commonly Believed Myths

Moreover, as it happens, there is still plenty of ignorance out there regarding how and when to use sunglasses. In the interests of public health then, it is a good idea to dispel some of these myths, if only to ensure thatas well as being worn for fashion, sunglasses are worn for safety too.

Sunglasses Are for Sunny Days

We mentioned above how sunglasses, while protecting us from the UV light of the sun, offer health benefits beyond this as well. If you have ever heard of snow blindness, then you’ll know that a winter’s day also poses a threat to your eyes. This is down to the unique qualities of light which is reflected off snow and ice. Furthermore, as mentioned, sunglasses are also for activities that require optimal vision, lest they become dangerous.

Babies and Children Don’t Require Sunglasses

It is odd that so many people should believe this. After all, young eyes don’t somehow have some magical protection against UV that adult eyes do not. Everybody is susceptible to the sun’s harmful rays, and getting children started in good habits early is an incredibly wise move.

Cheap Sunglasses Offer Substandard Protection

It depends on what sunglasses you are talking about, but it is certainly not the case that you cannot protect your eyes on a budget. This is simply because quality is not the reason some sunglasses are expensive. Rather, sunglasses are expensive when they are high fashion items. What you are paying for a name brand and the prestige that comes with wearing a pair of sunglasses recently endorsed by top celebrities. That is where the price tag comes from.

Size Doesn’t Matter

It does matter. If you wear sunglasses with very small lenses, then you can expect more unfiltered light to reach your eyes than if you were wearing larger lenses. It is as simple as that.

Polarized Lenses Offer More Protection

That depends on what you mean by protection. They do not block more UV or more light than ordinary lenses. However, they do help with glare and the dazzling effects that it can cause.

Dispelling these sunglasses myths should hopefully reinforce just why sunglasses are a safety, as well as a fashion, product. The goal, after all, is better vision all round.

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