January 30, 2025

Mooncakes are one of the most important aspects of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Around this time of year, local cake shops and bakeries begin selling this delicacy.

Each variety of traditional mooncakes in Singapore has distinctive qualities. They differ in taste, texture, and physical appearance. Others are aromatic, while others are sugary. The only similarity they share is that they require preparation.

Modern mooncakes do not require preparation. In comparison to traditional mooncakes, they should be served chilled.

Cantonese Mooncake

This is the most prevalent type of mooncake encountered in our area.

 A few weeks before the Mid-Autumn Festival, it is commonly exchanged among family and acquaintances.

Its golden-brown exterior encases a sugary interior. Depending on the size of the mooncake, the traditional stuffing consists of lotus paste with one or two salted egg yolks in the centre.

Due to the labour-intensive nature of lotus paste production, mooncakes with unadulterated lotus paste and premium ingredients can be quite expensive.

Teochew Mooncake

It is aptly dubbed “thousand-layer mooncake” because its alternating layers of variegated pastry create the illusion of an infinite number of layers.

Typically, Teochew mooncakes contain candied yam, red bean, or mung bean purée. Some variations contain a salted egg yoke as well.

Similar to the Suzhou mooncake, the stratified epidermis is created using the same technique.

Nonetheless, the water and oil pastry are coloured differently, resulting in gorgeous alternating layers.

They are ideal for giving on any occasion due to their remarkable appearance.


Hopia is distinguished by its diminutive stature and thin, scaly epidermis.

Traditional fillings include mung bean paste, purple yam, and azuki bean paste. This dessert is acquiring popularity as a contemporary delicacy, and more substantial variations are being created today.

This variety of mooncakes is available annually in the Philippines and Indonesia.

It is relatively inexpensive compared to other mooncake varieties. As a result, it is frequently brought as mementoes and consumed as an ordinary snack.

Snow Skin Mooncake

Snow skin mooncake is likely the first and most well-known variety of no-bake mooncakes.

Unlike traditional mooncakes, which are baked, snow-skin mooncakes require no preparation.

The epidermis is comprised of cooked glutinous rice flour (Gao Fen), which imparts a silkier texture and distinct aroma.

Unlike fresh glutinous rice flour, Gao Fen becomes adhesive when mixed with cool water. This helps create a malleable mixture that won’t split when pressed into the mould.

Similar to a Cantonese mooncake, a snow skin mooncake has embossed patterns on its surface but is typically available in delicate hues.

There are an infinite number of possible variations of white-skin mooncakes. Any natural or synthetic flavourings and colourings may be added to the dough; your imagination is the only limit!

Snow skin mooncakes have numerous filling options, but sugary fillings are preferred.

Ice Cream Mooncake

The ice cream mooncake is covered with either snow skin pastry or molten chocolate. It has a similar appearance to traditional mooncakes due to its moulding in a traditional mooncake mould.

As a seasonal dessert, this variety of mooncakes is typically sold in ice cream stores.

During mooncake season, locating an ice cream mooncake with your preferred flavour will not be difficult!

An orange-coloured ice cream “egg yolk” is sometimes added to the mooncake for aesthetic purposes.

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